Monday, January 6, 2014


Hi my name is Riley.  I am 7 years old and my blog is about different animals.  This is my first animal I am writing about.  Cheetahs are my favorite animal!

Did you know that Cheetahs can run 60 to 70 miles per hour?  

They have spots for camouflage in the grass when they hunt. 

Cheetahs hunt animals like gazelles, antelopes, wildebeests, and zebras.

They live in Africa.

Cheetahs predators are lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, and humans.  It is easier for cheetah cubs to be hunted by these predators.

Cheetah cubs love to play with each other.  They wrestle and fight and jump on each other's backs.

Thanks for looking at my blog!  Bye!



  1. Riley, This is a very informative blog! I learned quite a lot about cheetahs. I look forward to more information in the future! Love, Aunt Trisha

  2. What an interesting and beautiful way to learn about cheetahs. My favorite animal is the penguin. I hope that you will do a blog on penguins one day. Very, very good work!

    Tamara Reding (Pearce's Mom)

  3. Thanks Aunt Trish and Mrs. Reding. I am going to do one on penguins soon.


  4. Riley, your posts inspire us to teach our twins about animals. We started reading them to Heidi and Molly at night.

    Can you write a post about apes?

  5. Yes I can write about apes.


  6. Hi Riley,

    How often do you plan to blog? I check it every day. Should I check it every week?

