Sunday, October 5, 2014


Hi! It is me Riley.Today I am writing  about bats.

Bats like to eat frogs,bugs,berries,and other small mammals.

Bats use echolocation to catch prey.

Bats have skin between their bones to help them fly in the air.

Baby bats are so cute and small when they are born.

We need to help bats today from being extinct.

.Bats can bite you sorry grandma you got bit by a bat. If you get bit by a bat you need to get a rabies shot like my grandma.
Thanks for looking at my blog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Hi, it is me Riley! Today I am writing about dolphins!
Dolphins are big mammals not fish!

They love to eat fish when they are very hungry for food.

They need your help not to become hunted.

Did you know there are pink dolphins?

They use echolocation to find food.

Thanks for looking at my blog!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Peregrine falcons

 Hi! It is me Riley Fink!
Today I am writing about peregrine falcons!

Did you know they can dive up to 200 miles per hour?

They live every where but Antarctica.

Females lay two to four eggs at a time.

The babies are just white when they are born!

They eat other birds and meat!

Thanks for looking at my blog!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

 Hi! It is Riley do you know that polar bear are the biggest land carnivores?

Polar bear like to swim in water.

They only live in the Arctic.

They eat seals and bird eggs.

They can run 25mph on land and swim 6mph in the water.

Polar bears have 42 teeth.

Last but not least sometimes they jump!

Thanks for looking at my blog!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Emperor Penguins

Hi! It's me Riley! I am writing about Emperor Penguins.
The Emperor Penguins are the biggest and heaviest penguins!  They are about as tall as a 7 year old kid!

They eat fish, krill, and squid.

The penguins huddle in the cold winter.

The mother penguin lays one egg.  The dad penguin keeps it warm until the egg hatches.  The mother goes out to hunt for food for 2 months.  She comes back and brings the food to the baby.  The mom and dad take turns hunting and taking care of the baby.

They live in Antarctica.  It is very cold there!

Emperor Penguins lose their soft feathers and grow waterproof feathers.

The last thing is penguins love to pop out of the water!



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Brown Bears

Hi! It's me Riley! I am writing about brown bears.

Do you know brown bears are called grizzly bears?

What do brown bears eat?
They eat grass, leaves, berries, nuts, fish, and other animals.  

They can eat 90 pounds of food per day in fall before hibernating.  

They hibernate in a den in the winter.  This is when the female brown bear gives birth to her babies.

Brown bears live in parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.


Monday, January 6, 2014


Hi my name is Riley.  I am 7 years old and my blog is about different animals.  This is my first animal I am writing about.  Cheetahs are my favorite animal!

Did you know that Cheetahs can run 60 to 70 miles per hour?  

They have spots for camouflage in the grass when they hunt. 

Cheetahs hunt animals like gazelles, antelopes, wildebeests, and zebras.

They live in Africa.

Cheetahs predators are lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, and humans.  It is easier for cheetah cubs to be hunted by these predators.

Cheetah cubs love to play with each other.  They wrestle and fight and jump on each other's backs.

Thanks for looking at my blog!  Bye!
